Sunday, May 31, 2009

I don't like people who are ignorant. 

It's one thing to not like one thing but it's another thing to dislike something based on your ignorance. 
It's so easy for people to throw the word 'hate' without actually knowing the subject or object of their hatred.
People should and need to educate themselves first before they pass a judgment or label something.


Okay, so, I have a love-hate relationship with this fandom (this refers to DBSK obviously, or just K-Pop in general). On one hand, it feels nice to have people who share the same interest as you, who understand what you're into and are into the same thing. On the other hand, sometimes it's the only thing you have in common. And so clashes happen.

I mean, clashes occur all the time, but it feels very uncomfortable when they happen in a community that you feel safe in. Safe because you share the same interest and so they won't laugh at you, they won't insult your favourite artists and so on. 

Now, when incidents occur in that community you feel safe in, it's only natural that you feel a certain disposition toward it, such as repulsion. You feel repulsed and apalled to be in that community anymore because you feel like that sense of security is gone. Okay, maybe for the first few times they happen it's still okay. But when they happen all the time, that's when the feeling of repulsion come.

That's why sometimes I like it better to be on the outside, to be the observer and not be inside and finding out the ugly side of this fandom. I mean, losing a fan because he/she doesn't like the artist anymore it's one thing, but to lose a fan because of another fan? That's completely unnecessary and avoidable. 

For me, the main duty of fans is to support the artist. That's it. Not in an extreme way, though.

Since when things become so personal?
They shouldn't be. 

Man, fandom is so complicated. It looks nice from the outside but there are a lot of dark sides to it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

This post exists because I'm a cool person because I'm multilingual XD

Jadi ini pas ke Ottawa sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu.
Setelah perjalanan yang menghabiskan waktu sangat lamaaaa sekali, kita nyampe di Ottawa. 
Begitu nyampe, yang dicari cuma satu : WC.
Dan kita tahu satu tempat yang pasti punya WC, McDonald.
Jadi lah kita sibuk nyari McDonald.
Tapi kan pas keluar dari tempat parkiran banyak distraction. 
Maklum jarang ke Ottawa, jadi aja sibuk liat-liat dulu. 
Mana pada lapar pula, jadi cari restoran juga (walopun ujung2nya kita makan arem2 yang sengaja dibawa buat lunch. Yea, we're cheap like that XD)

Rombongan : *sibuk liat2 sambil ngobrol*

ROFLMAO. I was laughing so hard.

And that is one of the reasons why I love Indonesian :p

Friday, May 29, 2009

A protest against Prop 8 in California about 3 days ago. Finally! Prop 8 is just so ridiculous. It's taking away humans' rights, what rightfully belong to them. It is also the same as saying, "Your feeling is wrong. The love that you feel is wrong."

I posted this video on my wordpress account before but I figure I'd share again. 

He looks a little bit cheesy but I totally agree with his point. In the end, it's about humans' hearts and feelings. If their feelings are taken away from them, then what else are they left with?

The title explains everything :(

Thought I'd be just fine alone.
Turns out the answer is no.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Husband : What watch?
Wife : Ten watch.
Husband : Such much?
Carl : You both will get along beautifully in America.

- Casablanca

One of my favourite scene in the movie.


Casablanca just became my all-time favourite movie.
It has action, drama, love story, comedy, everything.
Although the ending is a little bit heart-breaking.
But it just makes the movie even better.

"Here's looking at you, kid."

The first guy is so epic!
Don't really mind the second part of the video, although it's pretty funny too.

But that's how I sound in karaoke.
Yep, I'll just stick to karaoke and bathroom singing.


" a lady,
trying to make her way in life.
she's so fly,
she touches the sky"

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